Bob Juch's Kin

Over 80,000 people


Yep, here are over 80,000 people in one huge tree! These are my ancestors, their descendants, and some ancestors and families of those who married my kin. Also, parents of spouses are shown if known.

Please understand that with so many people, updating this will take a while.

Please let me know if you connect to my lines. I welcome corrections and additions. However, please do not write asking for more information. What you see is what I have.

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My whole tree in TNG format

Bob's Songs

I'm not a songwriter, I'm a poet. I pay for people to perform the songs.


Seasons of the Heart Album

That Was Your Last Second Chance

I Might Love You Tomorrow

I Still Got Enough For You

We're a Couple

Jose Cuervo's Taking Me Home Tonight

I Found Jesus in a Bottle

I'm a Brand New Woman

Strawberry Margaritas

Bob on Who Wants to be a Millionaire