Latitude: 41.9, Longitude: 12.4833
BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 209 1 2 3 4 5 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Aelia Galla Placida | 388 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52340 |
2 |
Aelia Tuberia | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74650 |
3 |
Alypia Princess of West Rome | 435 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73390 |
4 |
Amnius Ancius Julianus Prefect | Abt 270 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74739 |
5 |
Amnius Manius Caesonius Nichomachus Anicius Paulinus | Abt 294 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73792 |
6 |
Anicia Demetria Proba | 287 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74734 |
7 |
Anicius Auchenius Bassus (prefect) | 303 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74658 |
8 |
Anicius Auchenius Bassus Probinus | Abt 314 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73794 |
9 |
Annia Galeria Faustina Minor | 16 Feb 125 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52447 |
10 |
Antonia Gordiana | 21 May 198 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74479 |
11 |
Asinia Juliana Gaius Nichomacha | 215 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73926 |
12 |
Asinius Julius Claudius Charax | Abt 115 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73944 |
13 |
Atia Balba | 85 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74493 |
14 |
Auchenia Bassa | 290 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74740 |
15 |
Aufidia Lurco | 78 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74516 |
16 |
Aurelia Cornelia | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74432 |
17 |
Aurelia Cotta | 21 May 120 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74466 |
18 |
Aurelia Iovina | Abt 298 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74540 |
19 |
Aurelia Vera | Abt 132 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74408 |
20 |
Caecilia Metella Cretica | Abt 147 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74368 |
21 |
Caecilia Metella Dalmatica | Abt 120 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74344 |
22 |
Caecilia Pilea | 75 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74572 |
23 |
Caeionia Auchenia Bassa | Abt 295 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73793 |
24 |
Caesonia | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73925 |
25 |
Caius Julius Praetor III | 138 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74407 |
26 |
Cassia Lepida Longina | Abt 30 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74336 |
27 |
Claudius Tiberius Drusus Nero Claudius Emperor | 1 Aug 10 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74668 |
28 |
Clodius Celsinus Adelphius Prefect | Abt 300 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74654 |
29 |
Constantina | 300 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74224 |
30 |
Cornelia Cinna Minor | Abt 97 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74503 |
31 |
Cornelia Metella | 73 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74429 |
32 |
Cornelia Pompeia Magna | 47 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74238 |
33 |
Cornelia Scipia Lepidus | 54 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52525 |
34 |
Cornelia Scipionis | 54 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I35035 |
35 |
Cornelia Sulla | 70 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74240 |
36 |
Cossutia Fulvia | 205 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74418 |
37 |
Cossutia Fulvia Cotta | 140 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40527 |
38 |
Domitia Faustina | 30 Nov 147 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74481 |
39 |
Domitia Lepida Minor | 10 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74549 |
40 |
Domitia Longina | Abt 54 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74373 |
41 |
Domitia Lucilla Longina Trajans | 78 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74212 |
42 |
Eudocia | Abt 438 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52333 |
43 |
Flavia Claudia Crispina Illyria | 192 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52437 |
44 |
Flavia Maximiana Theodora | 289 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74175 |
45 |
Fulvia | Abt 240 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74411 |
46 |
Gaius Asinius Gallus Saloninus | 1 Jan 15 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74592 |
47 |
Gaius Asinius Nicomachus | Abt 135 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73930 |
48 |
Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus Proconsul of Achaea | Abt 165 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73929 |
49 |
Gaius Caecilius Metellus Caprarius | Abt 160 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74387 |
50 |
Gaius Calpernius Piso | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74341 |
1 2 3 4 5 Next»
DeathMatches 1 to 50 of 168 1 2 3 4 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
Aelia Eudoxia | 6 Oct 404 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52336 |
2 |
Aelius Hadrianus Marullinus | 91 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74236 |
3 |
Amalaberga | 443 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74624 |
4 |
Anicia Demetria Proba | 342 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74734 |
5 |
Anicius Auchenius Bassus (prefect) | Apr 385 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74658 |
6 |
Anthildis | 358 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73402 |
7 |
Antonia Gordiana | 31 Jul 241 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74479 |
8 |
Asinia Juliana Gaius Nichomacha | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73926 |
9 |
Asinius Julius Claudius Charax | 156 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73944 |
10 |
Auchenia Bassa | 335 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74740 |
11 |
Aufidia Lurco | 27 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74516 |
12 |
Aurelia Cornelia | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74432 |
13 |
Aurelia Cotta | 31 Jul 54 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74466 |
14 |
Aurelia Iovina | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74540 |
15 |
Boionia Procilla Piso | 120 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74424 |
16 |
Boionia Procilla Servilia Arria Fadilla | 142 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74376 |
17 |
Caecilia Metella | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74431 |
18 |
Caecilia Metella Cretica | Aft 127 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74368 |
19 |
Caecilia Pilea | 46 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74572 |
20 |
Caesonia | 230 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73925 |
21 |
Caius Julius Praetor III | 84 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74407 |
22 |
Cassia Lepida Longina | Aft 50 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74336 |
23 |
Claudius Tiberius Drusus Nero Claudius Emperor | 13 Oct 54 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74668 |
24 |
Clodius Celsinus Adelphius Prefect | Abt 351 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74654 |
25 |
Cornelia Cinna Minor | 69 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74503 |
26 |
Cornelia Metella | 45 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74429 |
27 |
Cornelia Pompeia Magna | Aft 16 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74238 |
28 |
Cornelia Scipia Lepidus | 16 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52525 |
29 |
Cornelia Sulla | 40 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74240 |
30 |
Cossutia Fulvia Cotta | Dec 110 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40527 |
31 |
Domitia Lepida Minor | 54 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74549 |
32 |
Domitia Lucilla Longina Trajans | 158 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74212 |
33 |
Domitia Lucilla Tranjanus Minor | Abt 158 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74230 |
34 |
Eusebia | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52434 |
35 |
Fabia Orestilla | Bef 238 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74477 |
36 |
Faltonia Betitia Proba | 351 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74733 |
37 |
Flavia Justinia | Apr 387 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52432 |
38 |
Flavia Maximiana Theodora | 326 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74175 |
39 |
Flavius Arcadius I Augustus Eastern Roman Emperor | 1 May 408 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I52335 |
40 |
Gaius Asinius Gallus Saloninus | 33 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74592 |
41 |
Gaius Asinius Nicomachus | 202 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73930 |
42 |
Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus Proconsul of Achaea | Aft 235 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73929 |
43 |
Gaius Caecilius Metellus Caprarius | Abt 95 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74387 |
44 |
Gaius Calpernius Piso | 65 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74341 |
45 |
Gaius Calpernius Piso Senator | 65 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74425 |
46 |
Gaius Julius Octavianus Augustus Caesar | 19 Aug 14 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40514 |
47 |
Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus | 117 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I73800 |
48 |
Gaius Laelius Sapiens | Aft 129 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74328 |
49 |
Gaius Lucilius | 15 Mar 103 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74312 |
50 |
Gaius Saloninus Matidius Patruinus | 78 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74233 |
1 2 3 4 Next»
BurialMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Burial |
Person ID |
1 |
Julia Caesaris | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74552 |
2 |
Nero Claudius Germanicus Drusus Governor of Gaul & Rome | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40535 |
3 |
Octavia Augusta Minor | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74449 |
4 |
Caesar, Lucius Julius II | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40539 |
5 |
Caesar, Sextus Julius II | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I40540 |
6 |
Sabina, Poppaea | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | I74446 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 13 of 13
Family |
Marriage |
Family ID |
1 |
/ | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F14907 |
2 |
/ | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25050 |
3 |
/ | Abt 139 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F24934 |
4 |
/ | 158 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F24872 |
5 |
/ | Abt 175 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25132 |
6 |
/ | Abt 192 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25130 |
7 |
/ | 365 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25209 |
8 |
/ | 376 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F18325 |
9 |
/ | 453 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25080 |
10 |
/ Crassa | Abt 100 BC | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25084 |
11 |
Emo-Capodilista / Parrish | 16 Dec 1908 | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25703 |
12 |
Flaccus / | | Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy | F25122 |
13 |
Shurtleff / | | | F28718 |